Piss off.
No London.
Sebab? hmm. panjang cerita malas nak cakap.
Bas bodo. bangang.
We could just wait, we could, for another half an hour, or so but...if it's meant to be not for us then it just never will. One hour and half (I think twas 2 hours) waiting with temperature -19. Last time I checked, my kitchen fridge was -11. Heh?
Had a terrible frostbite that I hardly could walk and twas fucking painful. I don't have the word to describe the painful-o-meter it was. Just fucking throbbing. and I'm not in a good mood for some silly-I-think-you-might-wanna-laugh-at jokes. Piss off. Talk to the hand.
I don't mad at people. I don't. But I just wrathful at something. Something that I can't figure it out what exactly is but I know it's not the girls. No, not them. My toes are still hurting you see so yeah perhaps the pain will subside when it's gone, no?
Lets hope so.
Throw me your moron jokes again and you shall get whacks for free. Mind you.
what happen to you actually..??
am fine gahaaa ;DD