*the journey of taking the sijil spm*
Finally, dapat jugak aku jejak kan kaki ke my 'old skool' school : MJSC PC afta the office renovation completed. and here it is, the sijil spm suda berada di dalam genggaman ku. yeba yebaa!
Below are the details of my so called trip to kb:
time of departure_supposedly 10am on 3rd june 09'
time of arrival_supposedly 1pm on the same day.
and it supposed be a perfect journey.
time of departure_supposedly 10am on 3rd june 09'
time of arrival_supposedly 1pm on the same day.
and it supposed be a perfect journey.
but what had happened were...
1) bad omen suda kasik sign awal2 pagy lagy when i lost my bus tcket. i only realized it when the bajet macho conductor bas started checkg the tickets and when he saw me teraba-raba poket smbil tersengih mencari da bloody tcket, suddendly all eyes were on me. he shouted kuat2, "haa, kalu xdok tiket dok leh naek! turun! TURUN!" and i was like FCUK! malu weyh..!
2) mls mao tanggung malu, i strode out from da bus and went missg in the crowd. then kne bli tket baru which was i thought maybe dpt bas laen but then tgk2 dpt bus yg same tp seat plng blakang. oh no!! double FCUK di situ.
3) perjalanan yg memalukan.sgt.but nvm, i don't give a shit on it..huh! afta been trapped in a daily kb jammed, eventually the arrival time came.fuhh..!
4) it was almost 3pm when i was walkg sensing fr a fast food restaurant. ade A&W, KFC, PIZZA and ahh MCD and yes, mesti lah mcd! :) but blom pn smpt aku menyusup masuk ke syurga burger itu, rains GOD showered me wif blessed. lapar dan basah.sgt irony.dan sadis juga.
5) at 6pm (and yet it was raing still), dinie c0ol pn dtg menjemput ku. but dtg jemput dgn sekaki payung. i thought it gonna be a car, at least. xpe lah, maybe she parked her myvi somewhere la kan (ish, x baek btol aku bersangka burok). ntah ape jadi ntah pastu, lepak kt ofis tabung haji until 10pm and blah ke rumah nyer then mandi and TIDO kepenatan slps trajedi yg memalukan.
and oh ya! forgot to tell. there were two cuties in her house which i think damn worth to be mentioned. sape2 yg lihat mereka pn akn terpesona dgn kechomelan mereka yg amat itu. here are the ROSSA and ROMEO. (then what hppn to juliet? romeo kawen laen agaknyer..hmmm)
2) mls mao tanggung malu, i strode out from da bus and went missg in the crowd. then kne bli tket baru which was i thought maybe dpt bas laen but then tgk2 dpt bus yg same tp seat plng blakang. oh no!! double FCUK di situ.
3) perjalanan yg memalukan.sgt.but nvm, i don't give a shit on it..huh! afta been trapped in a daily kb jammed, eventually the arrival time came.fuhh..!
4) it was almost 3pm when i was walkg sensing fr a fast food restaurant. ade A&W, KFC, PIZZA and ahh MCD and yes, mesti lah mcd! :) but blom pn smpt aku menyusup masuk ke syurga burger itu, rains GOD showered me wif blessed. lapar dan basah.sgt irony.dan sadis juga.
5) at 6pm (and yet it was raing still), dinie c0ol pn dtg menjemput ku. but dtg jemput dgn sekaki payung. i thought it gonna be a car, at least. xpe lah, maybe she parked her myvi somewhere la kan (ish, x baek btol aku bersangka burok). ntah ape jadi ntah pastu, lepak kt ofis tabung haji until 10pm and blah ke rumah nyer then mandi and TIDO kepenatan slps trajedi yg memalukan.
and oh ya! forgot to tell. there were two cuties in her house which i think damn worth to be mentioned. sape2 yg lihat mereka pn akn terpesona dgn kechomelan mereka yg amat itu. here are the ROSSA and ROMEO. (then what hppn to juliet? romeo kawen laen agaknyer..hmmm)

the next day_4th june 09'
ahh..agak malas to wakey.major lazy.al maklum la air-cond bilik si dinie sgt masyuk..huahua. but then tringat tujuan utama dtg ialah utk amek sijil spm (minor : jmpe amer), so i gagahkan diri utk wakey and hit my thursday shower. this time xla extreme sejuk cm smlm kt umah. rush punyer rush sbb da lmbt (janji ngan bdk2 ni mao jmpe kt kbmoll at 1pm), i missed my breakkie. nvm larh, diet DIET :)
exactly at 1pm, si nako ini maseh terpinga2 di steseb bas kb sebab lupe mcm mane mao ke pc..aiseh! bru kua skola x smpai 2 tahun, da nyanyuk..nako nakoo.. when jema and kema smpai and we joined, trus amek prebet a.k.a kereta sapu ke kb..eh, pc.
lame x berjumpe, kecoh cab itu kami gegarkan dgn gelak ketawa riang gumbira and gossipg around.GIRLSS.mmg lumrah bergossip.ahaks. the top listed gossips were:
exactly at 1pm, si nako ini maseh terpinga2 di steseb bas kb sebab lupe mcm mane mao ke pc..aiseh! bru kua skola x smpai 2 tahun, da nyanyuk..nako nakoo.. when jema and kema smpai and we joined, trus amek prebet a.k.a kereta sapu ke kb..eh, pc.
lame x berjumpe, kecoh cab itu kami gegarkan dgn gelak ketawa riang gumbira and gossipg around.GIRLSS.mmg lumrah bergossip.ahaks. the top listed gossips were:
a) the prev pc reunion.
"awop g dop jema?"
"dop. baso maem sayo nok g. awop kema?"
"sayo dop. nako pon dop g jgop."
: menyedari akhirnya mereka bertiga mempunyai persamaan, then mereka kembali ketawa :
b) ide and his new gf.
krg igt knp ide yg jd tajuk perbualan but i remembered mentioning the gurls about him. yah, he fished a new girl! but this time he's kinda really into this gurl la. hanya bual2 biasa, tentang berapa lawa gf barunye itu dan probability brape lame mereka akan bertahan..ohhh, kami mmg suka meramal!
c) warden dan bekas warden pc.
wardens.ahah.ppl that we, KTS members hated the most.terkenang kembali the time when we gotta chased here and there by the wardens..miss the school time sooo much lah! among the culprits who made we lived miserably in pc were:
-mrs. saliza-
-ms. noraini-
and now those who remain hauntg the students are:
-ms. noraini-
the rest da kne transfer sana sini d seantero mrsm.haks
"dop. baso maem sayo nok g. awop kema?"
"sayo dop. nako pon dop g jgop."
: menyedari akhirnya mereka bertiga mempunyai persamaan, then mereka kembali ketawa :
b) ide and his new gf.
krg igt knp ide yg jd tajuk perbualan but i remembered mentioning the gurls about him. yah, he fished a new girl! but this time he's kinda really into this gurl la. hanya bual2 biasa, tentang berapa lawa gf barunye itu dan probability brape lame mereka akan bertahan..ohhh, kami mmg suka meramal!
c) warden dan bekas warden pc.
wardens.ahah.ppl that we, KTS members hated the most.terkenang kembali the time when we gotta chased here and there by the wardens..miss the school time sooo much lah! among the culprits who made we lived miserably in pc were:
-mrs. saliza-
-ms. noraini-
and now those who remain hauntg the students are:
-ms. noraini-
the rest da kne transfer sana sini d seantero mrsm.haks
kdtgn kami bertiga di sambut dgn jelmaan jedi di balai menanti..he asked what made we came and jema said she missed him damn much that she couldnt stop thinkg of him lately.she's soo lying..haha..but who cares kn? then nmpk pak cik lam burger bergaya dgn kereta baru..wah wahh! sudah maju beliau skrg! "Pcik Lam, ABC Jagong satu!"
lps amek sijil, kbtln bas city link merah ketot lalu then kami pn trus naek nk g kbmoll. si ne kcik da bising tnye ktorg kt maner sbb die da smpai fr almost an hour++. jln pnye jln bas ketot merah itu, smpai kb at 3.25pm. adess, i'm dying to go to kbmall meetg wif the guys but i gotta be here back at 4pm! tket balek tganu x smpai lagy 1/2 an hour maa..! iskh2. oh amer, dimanakah dikau ketika itu? T_T
ww1 x tamat jgk and i waited fr my bus, hardly waving gudbyes to kema and jema..dorg wakilkan diriku berjumpe ne kcik, dinie and keba di kbmall..sory guys, next tym ketemu lagy yea..sob2.
my journey back home was lucky enuf as there was no such humilatg incident again.all went smooth (not that smooth really : jammed an hour kt kb) till i finally reached KT at 7.55pm.
perghh, damn exhausted dowh! balek2 umah terus attack nasi 2 pinggan..hahah.
lps amek sijil, kbtln bas city link merah ketot lalu then kami pn trus naek nk g kbmoll. si ne kcik da bising tnye ktorg kt maner sbb die da smpai fr almost an hour++. jln pnye jln bas ketot merah itu, smpai kb at 3.25pm. adess, i'm dying to go to kbmall meetg wif the guys but i gotta be here back at 4pm! tket balek tganu x smpai lagy 1/2 an hour maa..! iskh2. oh amer, dimanakah dikau ketika itu? T_T
ww1 x tamat jgk and i waited fr my bus, hardly waving gudbyes to kema and jema..dorg wakilkan diriku berjumpe ne kcik, dinie and keba di kbmall..sory guys, next tym ketemu lagy yea..sob2.
my journey back home was lucky enuf as there was no such humilatg incident again.all went smooth (not that smooth really : jammed an hour kt kb) till i finally reached KT at 7.55pm.
perghh, damn exhausted dowh! balek2 umah terus attack nasi 2 pinggan..hahah.